Diy Fat Burner

Diy Fat Burner

This homemade fat burner does it all: helps you lose fat, reduce inflammation, boost testosterone levels, improve insulin sensitivity, improve cardiovascular health, and freshens up your breath!

Before we get started, I need to stress that you're not going to lose dozens of pounds of fat off your frame just by drinking this fat burner; but it has several health benefits in relation to fat loss.

The Homemade Fat Burner

It's a very simple and hydrating drink you can keep beside you when you work, workout, or with whatever else you could be doing.

You won't have to spend as much as most of the ingredients found in commercial fat burners can be bought at most supermarkets — and for a fraction of the cost!

I recommend sipping this drinkable fat burner in the morning or early afternoon at the latest as it might interfere with your sleep regimen.

The Homemade Fat Burner's Recipe

  1. Boil 250ml of water and pour it into a cup
  2. Add 2 bags of green tea, let them brew for 30-60 mins — not a typo
  3. Add chopped ginger (to taste)
  4. Add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
  5. Grab a 2liter bottle of wattle
  6. Fill it with 1.5liters of cold water
  7. Add juice squeezed from one whole lemon
  8. Add 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  9. Pour the concoction into the water bottle
  10. Shake
  11. Drink
  12. Enjoy

You can add powdered cayenne peppers or any health-related/vitamin powders if you're feeling adventurous and wanting to give your fat burner an extra pop.

Homemade Fat Burner
Not the most appetizing thing in the world

While the thermogenic effect of the green tea may marginally contribute towards fat loss, unless you have the caffeine tolerance of an overworked French philosophy professor, this drink will leave you wired. Being wired will give you the energy to do more stuff, and, in turn, burn more calories.

The whole point of a legal fat burner — and one that you can make at home — is to increase your caloric deficit.

And how do you do that?

By consuming fewer calories and burning more calories.

In other words: eating less and doing more.

And this is where this fat burner comes in.

You don't need to listen to a fitness grifter harp on endlessly about the perks of their $50 bottle of formula that might help you lose an extra pound in half a year.

This homemade fat burner can help suppress your appetite, give you energy for more activities, and improve your endocrinological and cardiovascular health in the process.

It can also help you with halitosis, too.

The Individual Ingredients

Green Tea

Green tea is loaded with properties that can help boost your metabolism and body's fat oxidation. Green tea contains L-Theanine which is has natural anti-anxiety properties helping negate the jitteriness experienced by those who are caffeine sensitive.

Other health benefits range from improved heart health, to cancer risk mitigation, and even combating halitosis!


Like green tea, ginger is another superfood that is often overlooked by many. Ginger, apart from being a potent natural anti-nausea remedy, can lower blood sugar and LDL cholesterol.

If you like to train hard, ginger can also help reduce inflammation and soreness brought about by lifting heavy or competitive sports. Ginger has also been known to increase natural testosterone levels in men.


Our favorite desert spice boasts remarkable health benefits, most notably improving insulin sensitivity and glycemic control — especially during temporary periods of insulin resistance when fasting, i.e. sleeping.

Add one to three teaspoons of cinnamon powder a day into your diet for best results. And like green tea and ginger, cinnamon can help prevent the brain from aging prematurely, staving off diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This old remedy was used for thousands of years before reentering public consciousness. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best, cheapest, and easily available supplements you could ever take.

It's post-meal blood sugar lowering abilities can markedly improve insulin sensitivity — almost on a par with drugs designed to battle Type 2 diabetes.


Apart from its traditionally high levels of vitamin C, lemons are a great source of hydration, can improve skin quality, and, just like green tea, can also help clear up bad breath.

What you didn't know is that lemons can help improve insulin sensitivity. Anecdotally, lemons can also mitigate the total fat gain from overeating.

Cayenne Pepper

While its thermogenic effect can help burn a negligible amount of calories while consuming the pepper itself, Cayennes contain a triglyceride oil known as "capsaicin" which can aid in decreasing hunger.

Cayenne's hunger lowering effect is best enjoyed if it is consumed in liquid form — like in this wonderful fat burner potion.

Magic fat burner (end result)
The end result

The great thing about this potion is that it's easy to follow and won't break the bank unlike various other fat-burners you see out there.

The only way to lose fat is to be in a prolonged caloric deficit.

One of the wonders of this drink is that it uses various ingredients that can boost insulin sensitivity that can both facilitate muscle gain and fat loss.

We also have a homemade pre-workout recipe to complement your homemade fat burner.

This recipe can help you get focused, pumped, and energized — and it's a lot cheaper than stuff you can buy online.

Herculean Strength has several articles to help you on your way to a better, leaner you.

Don't hesitate to email us at for personalized coaching and a client questionnaire if you'd like DEDICATED tailor-made personal training on strength training, building muscle, losing fat, developing athleticism, and more — all to your liking, lifestyle, habits, and taste!

Otherwise, don't forget to claim your FREE eBook detailing how to lose 20lb of fat while building muscle in 12 weeks! You can claim it here.

Alternatively, you can pick up a FREE eBook on fundamental strength principles offering an introductory workout program.

Diy Fat Burner


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